Automating the SymPy release process

So I have just published SymPy 0.7.3.rc1. I’ll write a blog post about the release itself when we release 0.7.3 final, but for now, I wanted to write about how we managed to automate our release process.

Our story begins back in October of 2012, when I wrote a long winded rant to the mailing list about how long it was taking to get the 0.7.2 release out (it took over a month from the time the release branch was created).

The rant is fun, and I recommend reading it. Here are some quotes

The intro:

Now here’s a timeline: 0.7.1 was released July 29, 2011, more than a year and two months ago. 0.7.0 was released just over a month before that, on June 28. 0.6.7 was released March 18, 2010, again over a year before 0.7.0. In almost two year’s time, we’ve had three releases, and are struggling to get out a fourth. And it’s not like there were no changes; quite the opposite in fact. If you look at SymPy 0.6.6 compared to the current master, it’s unbelievable the amount of changes that have gone forward in that time. We’ve had
since then the new polys, at least four completely new submodules (combinatorics, sets, differential geometry, and stats), massive improvements to integration and special functions, a ton of new stuff in the physics module, literally thousands of bug fixes, and the list goes on. Each of these changes on it’s own was enough to warrant a release.

So in case I didn’t make my point, le me state it explicitly: we need to release more often. We need to release *way* more often.

My views on some of the fundamental (non-technical) issues:

I think that one other thing that has held back many releases is the feeling of “wait, we should put this in the release”. The use of a release branch has helped keep master moving along independently, but there still seems to be the feeling with many branches of, “this is a nice feature, it ought to go in the release.” My hope is that by making the release process smoother, we can release more often, and this feeling will go away, because it won’t be a big deal if something waits until the next release. As far as deprecations go, the real issue with them is time, not release numbers. So if we deprecate a feature today vs. one month from today, it’s not a big deal (as opposed to today vs. a year from today), regardless of how many versions are in between.

I read about what GitHub does for their Windows product regarding releasing often on their blog: (they actually have this philosophy for all their products). One thing that they said is, “And by shipping updates so often, there is less anxiety about getting a particular feature ready for a particular release. If your pull request isn’t ready to be merged in time for today’s release, relax. There will be another one soon, so make that code shine!” I think that is exactly the point here. Another thing that they noted is that automation is the key to doing this, which is what I am aiming for with the above point.

My vision:

Once we start releasing very often (and believe me, this is way down the road, but I’m trying to be forward looking here), we can do away with release candidates. A release candidate lives in the wild for a week before the full release. But if we are capable of releasing literally every week, then having release candidates is pointless. If a bug slips into a release, we just fix it and it will be in the next release.

We should release *at least* once a month. I think that if the process is automated enough, that this will be very possible (as opposed to the current situation, where the release branch lasts longer than a month). In times of high activity, we can release more often than that (e.g., after a big pull request is merged, we can release).

That was October. Today is July. Basically, our release process was way too long. Half of it was testing stuff, half of it was tedious releasing stuff (like making tarballs and so on), and half of it was updating websites.

We have moved all our testing to Travis CI. So now every pull request is tested, and we can be pretty much assured that master is always passing the tests. There is still some work to do here (currently Travis CI doesn’t test with external dependencies), but it’s mostly a solved problem.

For updating websites, we conceded that we are not going to update anything that we don’t own. That means no attempting to make Debian or Sage packages, or updating Wikipedia or Freshmeat. Someone else will do that (and does anyone even use Freshmeat any more?).

That leaves the releasing itself. It’s still a pain, because we have to make a source tarball, Windows installer, html docs, and pdf docs, and do them all for both Python 2 and Python 3.

So Ondrej suggested moving to fabric/vagrant. At the SciPy 2013 sprints, he started working on a fabfile that automates the whole process. Basically vagrant is a predefined Linux virtual machine that makes it easy to make everything completely reproducible. Fabric is a tool that makes it easy to write commands (in Python) that are run on that machine.

Building the basic stuff was easy, but I want to automate everything. So far, not everything is done yet, but we’re getting close. For example, in addition to building the tarballs, the fabric script checks the contents of the tarball against git ls-files to make sure that nothing is included that shouldn’t be or left out accidentally (and, indeed, we caught some missing files that weren’t included in the tarball, including the README).

You can run all this yourself. Checkout the 0.7.3 branch from SymPy, then cd into the release directory, and read the README. Basically, you just install Fabric and Vagrant if you don’t have them already, then run

vagrant up
fab vagrant prepare
fab vagrant release

Note that this downloads a 280 MB virtual machine, so it will take some time to run for the first time. When you do this, the releases are in the `release` directory.

Finally, I uploaded 0.7.3.rc1 to GitHub using the new releases feature. This is what the release looks like on GitHub, from the user point of view

SymPy 0.7.3.rc1

This is what it looks like to me

SymPy 0.7.3.rc1 Edit

GitHub has (obviously) the best interface I’ve ever seen for this. Of course, even better would be if there were an API, so that I could automate this too. But since Google’s announcement that they are discontinuing downloads, we can no longer upload to Google Code. Our plan was to just use PyPI, but I am glad that we can have at least one other location, especially since PyPI is so buggy and unreliable (I can’t even log in, I get a 502).

So please download this release candidate and test it. We espeically need people to test the Windows installer, since we haven’t automated that part yet (actually, we are considering not making them any more, especailly given the existence of people like Christoph Gohlke who make them for SymPy anyway, but we’ll see). The only thing that remains to be done is to finish writing the release notes. If you made any contributions to SymPy since the last release, please add them there. Or if you want to help out, you can go through our pull requests and make sure that nothing is missing.

2 Responses to Automating the SymPy release process

  1. Other than writing release notes and closing pull requests how much time will it take to do the 0.7.4 release candidate?

    • Aaron Meurer says:

      It can be done in an hour, because other than those things you mentioned, the only other thing that isn’t automated yet is the uploading to websites (GitHub’s releases are nice, but I didn’t see any API for it). I’ll probably go to the trouble of making PyPI automated this weekend when I cut 0.7.3 final. Then, the release process will be

      – Fix all blocking issues (this will always be the hardest part)
      – Write release notes (also not easy, but this is the one thing that I’ve generally been able to get other people to volunteer for)

      Once those are out of the way, we are in a state when we can release (OK, the second thing doesn’t have to happen until the release is done, but if we don’t do a release candidate, as we may not in the future, then it has to be done first). Then, the steps are

      1. Create a release branch
      2. Change the version in master
      3. Push the branch up and make a pull request out of it
      4. Change the version in the branch (technically this has to go before 3, because you can’t make a pull request out of an empty branch, but that messes up my little goto logic here)
      5. Run fab vagrant release from the release directory
      6. Fix any issues that it comes up with. In theory this will be none, because of our continuous testing, but in the current state of things, there will be issues with things like keeping AUTHORS and .mailmap up-to-date.
      7. Copy the boilerplate text that it generates to the release notes (stuff like a table of md5 hashes, and a list of authors).
      8. Upload everything to GitHub by hand (GitHub is not required, but I do feel a little better about having things at more than *just* PyPI)
      9. If it’s a release candidate, wait a week, then goto 4. Fix bugs in the interim. Determine if another release candidate is needed. Otherwise, it’s a final release, so continue to 10.
      10. Run the command to upload to PyPI.
      11. Update the webpage and the docs (probably these can be at least partially automated)
      12. Send a message to the mailing list (again, I think this can at least be copy-paste automated)
      13. (optional) update the blog, post to google+ and twitter.

      As for updating other sites, like sympy live and sympy gamma, I plan to leave that to other people, or I’ll do it myself if I have the time. The same for sites we don’t own like Wikipedia. I don’t plan to do anything with Google Code anymore.

      Aside from bug fixing and the release notes, I anticipate the most annoying things to be:

      – Updating .mailmap and AUTHORS. We should probably test this on Travis. There is a new script, ./bin/, which currently only tells you what is missing, but in the future may do some work of fixing it for you too. Already this makes it about 1/10 as painful as it was before.
      – Updating the website and docs.
      – All the social media stuff
      – Uploading six files to GitHub by hand, one at a time.

      Some of this can be automated, and I will probably look into it at some point or another. Of course, these all pales in comparison to the real elephant in the room, which is writing the release notes. We should think about better ways to handle that.

      I have an idea. When you merge pull requests, there is an option to write a custom message. We could encourage people to write stuff in there whenever they merge important pull requests, and then write a tool that just pulls those things out into release notes. There would still need to be some way to check if something was missed, but I think this would be the dead-simplest way to encourage people to write release notes as features are implemented.

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